By several authors we are informed about the course of life, the origin, and the descendants of Joris Janssen Rapalje, the ancestor of all Rapalje families in America. By Leslie A. Bryan we know that „Joris Janssen Rapalje, Hugenot, son of Jean, was babtized 28. April at Valenciennes, died in Brooklyn, New Netherland, probably early in 1663, married 1624 in Amsterdam, Catalina Trico, daughter of Jenonimus.“
Other authors advocate the opinion that Joris Janssen Rapalje had two brothers and the father was Abram Colet, grandson of Gaspard Colet de Raparlier. This is a confounding statement which can only be solved when we proceed from the supposition that there were two Joris Janssen (No. 1 and No. 2). A possible solution shall be attempted now.
Joris Janssen No. 1 was the last of six children of Jean Rapareillet and his unnamed wife. George (Joris Janssen) was baptized 28. April 1604, as entered in the Register of St. Nicolas Roman Catholic Church of Valenciennes, previously in the province Hainaut, Spanish Netherlands since 1668 in the Department du Nord of France. His brothers and sisters were born between 1594 and 1600. There were also two older (possible half-) sisters Jejenne, baptized 1578, and Marie, baptized 1580.

The marriage intention registry of Joris Janssen No. 1, dated January 13, 1624, in the Walloon Church in Amsterdam reads as follows:
„Joris Raparlie, born in Valenchie“ (Vallenciennes), „Borat Worker, age 19, living at the Walepodt and Catharina Trico, born in Pris.“ (Pry near Valenciennes) „Walslant, … age 18 years“ They were married on 21. January 1624 and four days later the couple sailed on the „Eendracht“, Adrian Jorisszen Tienpoint, skipper, for America. Probably their parents were dead or not living in Amsterdam.
The father of Joris Janssen No. 1 named himelf Rapareillet (Rapareillir) perhaps to escape perscution as a Protestant. The grandfather of Jean was Jean de (la ?) Raparlier. The escape of Jean Rapareillet’s parents and grandfather to England 1567 after the destruction of Valenciennes by the Spaniards, the landing in Southhampton September 1567, and the return of Joris Janssen’s father to Leiden (reported by Reaman and Charkes Kingsbury Miller) could not be proven and checked until now. All the children of Jean Rapareillet are born in Valenciennes between 1578 and 1604 as can be proven. Jean died 1606 in Valenciennes his grandfather Jean died perhaps in England because one record says that he was one of the first to die of all the refugees in the refugee church of Northampton, England. Source:
Let u regard now the story of Joris Janssen No. 2 and we will take for granted all the dates by church records documents etc. According to that, Joris Janssen No. 2 had two brothers, Willam Jannsen (de) Rapalje and the younger Antoine (de) Rapalje called Van Salers because of inheriting a property left him by his grandfather’s relations, who resided in Salers, a town of France in Upper Avergne. The father of this three brothers was Abrahm Janssen (de) Rapalje an historical painter of considerable evindence, born in Antwerpen in 1569, who married June 13, 1594, at Antwerpen the daughter of Hans Lodewyck.
The grandmother of Joris Janssen No. 2, Breckje (de) R. married in 1569 her cousin Victor Honorius Janssen (de) R.. Abrahm Janssen was (possbily her only) son. She hed two older brothers, Gaspard Coligne (de) R. and Abrahm Colet (de) R. The Father of the three children was Gaspard Colet de Raparlier, born in France at Chattilon-sur-Loir. (right affluence of the Loire), or Chatillon-sur-Loire?), in 1505. He was made Colonel of Infantery Dec. 22, 1545, became a Protestant and out of that reason he was compelled to flee to Holland. Here he married the daughter of Victor Antonie Janssen, a sign and house painter of Antwerpen by whom he had the above mentioned three children. That name Janssen apperars afterwards in some cases as a second forename which can be valid also for Joris Janssen No 1, instead of the derivation of „son of Jan (Jean)“ in the Scandinavan manner. In that case it could point to a near relationship between the Valenciennes- and the Antwerpen branch of the Rapalke familie.
As Breckje married her cousin having the same name, that means that the fathers of the couple were brothers. Therefore Gaspard Colet d. R. had a unknown brother. It would be possible that the unknown brother had not only the son Victor Honorius Janssen de. R. (perhaps in relation to his uncle Victor Antonie Jannsen?) but a second unknown son who was the grandfather of Joris Janssen No. 1. At that case the great-grandfather JEan pf Joris Janssen No 1 would be the brother of Gaspard Colet de (la?) Raparlier.
William Janssen, the older brother of Joris Janssen No. 2, (sometimes called the chevallier) in consequence of a disappointment determinded to emigrate to America. He persuaded his brother Joris Janssen No. 2 to accompany him. They set sain in 1623 (one year before Joris Janssen No. 1 and his wife Cataline Trico emigrated to America) with the commercial agent of the West India Company, Peter Minuit, in the ship of Captain Konelius Jacobse Mey.
William Janssen Rapalje never maried. After having been a merchant for several years in New Amsterdam, he died at Gravesend, Long Island, in the house of his younger brother Anoine Janssen Van Salers who had followed his brothers to America in 1631. Nothing is known about a marriage of Joris Janssen No. 2. Some auhtors change by mistake him and Joris Jansen No 1, who together with his wige Catalina Trico became well known personalities at Manhattan and Brooklyn.
It would be possible that the death of Joris Janssen Rapalje February 21, 1662 at Brooklyn si in relation to Joris Janssen No.2 , as another records says that Joris Janssen (No 1) witnessed the baptism o a grandson on Arpil 30, 1662 It is supposed that he dies early in 1663.
The result of the consideration is that all the statements can out and out corespond to facts with the exception of the assumption that Joris Janssen No 1, the ancestor of the Rapalje branch in America descends from the Antwepen branch of Gaspard Colet de Raparlier because he descends from Valenciennes branch, which possibly traces back to a brother Jean of Gaspard Colet.